I finally received my pre order copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2 (BFBC2) on Monday and first impressions, a great first person shooter game. Supporting what I think to be the best multiplayer play in the modern Battlefield Series of games and a great in-depth single player story mode. But how could they stuff up the stats and online game servers so badly on release? Continue reading “Battlefield Bad Company 2”
Gorillaz – Plastic Beach
Gorillaz – Plastic Beach is the third studio album from the English virtual band created in 1998 by Damon Albarn of Blur, and Jamie Hewlett, co-creator of the comic book Tank Girl. The band is composed of four animated band members: 2D (lead vocals, keyboard), Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar), Noodle (lead guitar and occasional vocals) and Russel (drums and percussion) and many guest appearances over their tracks. Continue reading “Gorillaz — Plastic Beach”
Rum, Rum, Rum Your Boat
My poison of choice is Bundaberg Rum also known as “Bundy” it is dark rum produced in Bundaberg, Australia and can only be found in Australia. I like my Bundy with coke and a lot of ice. Continue reading “Rum, Rum, Rum Your Boat”