South Park: The Stick of Truth is the long awaited game for any fan of the series. And I believe to be the best South Park game ever made (I know it isn’t hard). It looks and feels like you are playing an actual episode of South Park, I had several people walk in while I was playing and they just thought I was just watching an episode. The RPG (Role Playing Game) style is simple and well thought out, and is one of the best I’ve seen in a recent RPG games. Simple recommendation before I go into further details and possible spoiler territory for South Park: The Stick of Truth, if you are or ever have been fans of South Park buy this game. If you have never been a fan just leave it alone. Continue reading “South Park: The Stick of Truth”
R18+ rating for Games in Australia is one step closer
With the announcement less than a week ago that the Senate has finally passed legislation to allow the states to introduce an R18+ rating for games. This however isn’t the final step; it still has to be passed by each individual state and territory. This is expected to happen shortly with SA to be the first for the rating to be come into action from January 1st 2013. Continue reading “R18+ rating for Games in Australia is one step closer”
R18+ Rating for Australia
For many years this topic keeps coming up in the media and politics, about the push for a new classification system for games in Australia. Most other countries have an Adult rating or 18+ rating even the kiwis over the road have the adult rating for games. Continue reading “R18+ Rating for Australia”