Now this wont be as much of a rant as with Part 1. But this will be some tips and tricks I’ve learnt over my time to get the best price for games.Games from pre release through its life sometimes to the classic re brand, prices for games can change from store to store. So when you want a game always check else where before confirming the purchase; I know common sense but some just go out and buy.
Though all new release games have a RRP (Recommended Retail Price) the prices can vary for pre order (although not normally), so don’t expect to get the game $15 to $20 cheaper then the rest. But when you are going for the pre order look around first, for the bigger releases that come with the limited editions or special unlocks. Look around quite often different places have different ones or more then others or they have the same and are cheaper then the other place.
If you can live without the limited edition or there isn’t one you can normally get the game cheaper on release at one of the major store chains (Big W, JB Hi-Fi, etc) so always check the specials for them before going for the game.
And as the game gets older different places will have them on special and continue to get cheaper. Just be sure to check, I’ve seen Original Assassins Creed for around $80 at Big W where you can pick up Classic Assassins Creed for $25 at EB Games. As a general rule games as they get older the game stores have them cheaper and the major chains don’t, with the opposite for them at new release.
Another option is to look for games online from Europe as they have the same PAL settings on their disks. I have done this myself before and been lucky but you should always be careful when buying games online that you aren’t being sent fakes. Always do backgrounds check on the site or the buyer if on an online auction site. Check that they are either based out of Australia or out of Europe. Don’t go with the ones from China or other Asian counties, this is where most of the pirate copies come from and the chances are you wont be able to play them with a standard console.
Now the final options for saving money are the trade in and pre owned options at the game stores.
- Trade in is a useful option if you have a game that you plan not to play anymore however the older the game gets the smaller the trade in. Trade ins are at their best for games less then 3 months old so this option should only be taken if you really don’t want to have the game anymore.
- Pre Owned games are always cheaper (though have seen at same price at EB Games) but what are you buying? Unlike most it appears I look after my games including the cases and instruction booklets. But so many times I’ve seen games without either so you have to wonder how good condition is the disk? Personally I never buy pre owned game for this reason but its an option but be careful.
A fellow gamer, Jonathan Ian Mathers had some interesting thoughts to share on game trades.
So there are many tricks and options to get your games cheaper but be careful for some of the options. The best advice is to shop around before buying anything.
Part 3 – Is there a Mr. I.S.P. Freely? – Not so much about games but online gaming and download speeds / limits are important to gamers. Will be posted soon.